
Friday, October 14, 2011

10 Years in Afghanistan!

[NOTE: To the right of this note find “Home,” “Fun page,” “Favorite links,” and “Afghans.” Click on them from time to time for additional information! New blogs posted every weekend. For previous blogs please visit “blog archive” to the lower right of this screen. Click on small black arrows for a drop down list.]  
     Last week marked our 10th year in Afghanistan and we have a lot to celebrate!
     First, we have succeeded in driving the Taliban into oblivion never to return. Next, opium is no longer grown and the farmers have now turned to other crops and property owners are making even more billions than they made with opium. After all, everyone loves potatoes. (And the warlords share the potato billions with the farmers.)
     Next, women and girls now wear whatever clothing suits the climate (and their wishes) and all girls attend school. Women attend adult training and education classes and have entered the work force in huge numbers. Their husbands, fathers, and brothers applaud this change and have joined the women in education and training.
     The few remaining American soldiers no longer carry weapons and instead stroll the lovely streets of Kabul visiting outdoor cafés and fruit stands. American men and women frequently socialize with Afghani men and women and date openly with blessings of both cultures.
     The vast wealth left behind by the demise of the Taliban was enough to build every citizen of Afghanistan a decent home and hundreds of schools and hospitals have popped up around the entire country.
     Religions from all over the world have flocked to Afghanistan where religious freedom is first priority of the new government. All religions get along swimmingly.
     Speaking of the new government, they copied our U.S. Constitution to the “t” and have produced a Congress that is the envy of the world. Immigration is encouraged and popular.
Crime has disappeared entirely and the Afghan military and local police enforcement have little to do but join our remaining soldiers at the aforementioned cafés and fruit stands for conversation and tea.
     The majority of our Afghan troops have come home leaving only a small group to help with all the new and wonderful changes. When they do come home they receive specialized training and education and have easily assimilated back into the American employment pool. The pool is healthy because the money that was previously going to Afghanistan is now flowing back into our schools and programs to develop strong American citizens.
     Finally, just as we had hoped, because of our close relationship with Afghanistan after the ousting of the Taliban, hundreds of thousands of Afghanistan citizens have come to the U.S. to obtain citizenship and find great jobs. They pledge to send millions of dollars back to their homeland to enrich it and keep it safe from future evil, wherever it lurks.
     Wow. It’s been an amazing ten years. Look what we’ve accomplished.
[No part of this content may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author. Blog series began in March 2009.]